
[Up Arrow/W] to jump (hit twice to double jump)

[AD] or [Left/Right Arrow Keys] to move left, right (hit twice to dash)

[Shift Keys] to roll

[Space bar] to swing sword/attack

[Escape] to pause game




  • Added new tutorial level
  • Changed skeleton explosion animation
  • Add remove sound buttons in main menu 
  • Removed “play next” button if on last level
  • Added sound for coin collection
  • Added sound for jumping
  • Added sound for entering water
  • Made the stars depend on coins collected, hearts maintained, and skeletons killed
  • Added menu screen that keeps record of level times: both best overall and best while getting three stars
  • Added the ability to switch characters between knight, princess, and wizard
  • Added the ability to switch weapons between iron sword, gold
  • Added appropriate animations for both new characters
  • Added appropriate animations for new weapons
  • Changed shield icon to an actual shield texture instead of a green gem
  • Added disable flashing to pause options menu


  • Added new Mountain level
  • Added shop where player can buy health or protection with coins
  • Added timer to time how long a player takes on a level
  • Updated instructions to reflected previously updated functionality
  • Fixed errors in shop and timer code
  • Updated Lava tilemap to animated tiles
  • Created Shop UI
  • Added “Restart” button in Pause Menu


  • Added music to the menu and game scenes
  • Added noises to sword and mushroom projectiles
  • Added noises upon injury/death of player, obstacles, and skeletons
  • Created new water level
  • Created water tileset with animated tile for top of water
  • Added oxygen bar that depletes when in water. After oxygen runs out, health decreases every two seconds.
  • Added lava


  • Made the screen flash white when the player has two or fewer lives
  • Fixed the mushroom animations so they are rightside up
  • Made the sword and mushroom projectile different layers so there is no collision problems for the mushroom
  • Added the keyboard instuctions to the instuctions menu and added the double jump info
  • Added enemy movement in first level
  • Added button in main menu’s option menu to reset progress
  • Stars in level select now accurately show current level progress 


  • Added skeleton idle and hurt animations
  • Added mushroom projectile (with animation) that attacks an obstacle block when player has at least all but one of the coins
  • Made it so the mushrooms projectiles don’t get stuck on ground
  • Added explosion animation when obstacle block gets destroyed
  • Added explosion animation  when skeleton gets destroyed
  • Added main menu with level select, options, and instructions screens
  • Added pause menu
  • Added win and lose screens


  • Implemented player and enemy knockback
  • Enemy cannot be pushed around by player anymore
  • Fixed triple jump bug
  • Camera now doesn’t move past level bounds
  • Point tracker no longer hard coded
  • Instructions added to main menu page


  • Can attack with sword both directions, and sword hitbox only is present when actively attacking
  • When player falls out of level bounds, only 1 heart is lost and player is returned to the last safe spot they were standing on
  • Camera movement changed to keep player in center of screen
  • Fixed heart tracker and point tracker size error
  • Changed input keys to be more user friendly: up arrow/w key to jump, s/down arrow to slide, space bar to attack
  • Slide is currently disabled
  • Point tracker now has coin icon


  • Can attack with sword
  • Added enemies that damage player and can be killed with player attack
  • Added UI in top right corner to track number of diamonds/coins collected
  • Added player animations for idle, run, and jump
  • Added main menu, winning scene, and end goal flag


  • Added health UI in top left corner. Obstacles reduce health by 1. Falling reduces health to 0. When no health is remaining, the scene resets.
  • Added rewards for the player to collect that disappear after collision. Variable that keeps track of total reward amount, currently just prints out total amount

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